Saturday 17 August 2013

Airfix 1/76 Universal Carrier - Suez - Part II

Just finished this one in the past few days. Decals are from the Bison set on the Suez crisis, of which I shall be using more in the coming months. I cut up some plastic rod into small equall bits a glued them onto the tracks as there was no profile whatsoever. Sand guards were made from tin foil and the bolt effect was acheived by pushing a blunt needle into the foil from the reverse side, and then putting on a wash and dry brushing afterwards. Rust was made by using blobs of enamel leather brown brushed downwards with a damp brush of thinners. It was the first time I've tried to use depth in my scratches by first using a lighter colour to make the scratch (yellow) then painting an even finer line of tank grey in the yellow, leaving a slight yellow colour outside of the grey. Chipping around the edges was done using a small sponge. I also made a headlamp from sanding down some clear sprue then painting it silver first then the base colour and finally chipping it with tank grey and painting a gloss varnish over the lens.

This was the actual vehicle I was basing this kit on, and is the only picture of it available anywhere I could find.

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